Canton POS

Classic Oil Painting Intermediate: Impressionistic Snowy Landscape (Prerequisite: 1 or more Classic Oil Painting class with instructor Lin Luciano Fiore)

Begins 01/18/2024, Ends 02/22/2024
Deadline to Register: 01-16-2024
6 Thursdays, 02:00 PM-04:00 PM
Room 102
Instructor: Lin Luciano Fiore
This discounted class option is designed for students who have taken one or more Classic Oil Painting classes with instructor, Lin Luciano Fiore. Students will receive 4 new color tubes of paint and a canvas. Utilize new and more advanced techniques to take your Impressionistic painting skills to a whole new level! Lin works with each student to see them grow, sign up for multiple classes!
*Prerequisite (One or more Classic Oil Painting classes taught by Lin Luciano Fiore)
*Please bring your previous class materials to the first day of class.
*Class price includes 4 new paint tubes and a canvas worth over $31.
*Class instruction pricing: $175 (Cost for Members $140) +$31 for materials.