Canton POS

Planned Giving
A Lasting Legacy to Your Art Museum . . . Your Legacy, Our Future
We hope the joy that CMA gives you will inspire you to be a part of preserving this cultural cornerstone for years to come. Planned Giving to the Museum Affords Many Opportunities:
Sound financial planning and tax benefits are a must at any point in life. A planned gift to the Canton Museum of Art can be part of your permanent charitable legacy and provide a lasting benefit to the Museum in your name.
There are several ways to leave a planned gift, and many of these provide you or your estate with significant tax benefits. In addition, planned giving could help you meet other financial needs while providing a generous gift to the Museum.
Making a gift to the Canton Museum of Art can be done in many ways. Among the most popular planned gifts:
- Testament gifts (by will or bequest) with the remainder to the Museum;
- Life income gifts – gifts from which you (or another) can receive lifetime income;
- Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and other retirement savings plan gifts;
- Life insurance gifts;
- Gifts of appreciated property;
- Real estate gifts; and
- Charitable trusts.
With expertise from your trusted advisors, we are happy to help with these and other bequest vehicles that are part of your estate plan.
In addition to tax and other benefits, your gift to the Museum ensures that we can preserve the future and carry out our goals for the highest quality exhibition programming, growth and preservation of our Collection, and arts education and outreach.
Legal name: Canton Museum of Art
Address: 1001 Market Avenue North, Canton, Ohio, 44702
Federal Tax ID#: 34-0733127
Sample Language: “I give and bequeath to the Canton Museum of Art, 1001 Market Avenue North, Canton, Ohio, 44702, Federal Tax ID # 34-0733127, [the sum of __________ Dollars ($____)] [ _______ % of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate], to be used for its general charitable purposes.”
Ready for a confidential discussion?
For more information and confidential help in considering a gift to support the future of the Canton Museum of Art, please contact Libby Doss, Development Director, at 330.453.7666 ext. 103 , or e-mail