Canton POS

Classic Oil Painting Intermediate: Impressionistic Landscape (Prerequisite: 1 or more Classic Oil Painting class with instructor Lin Luciano Fiore)

Begins 09/14/2023, Ends 10/19/2023
Deadline to Register: 09-12-2023
6 Thursdays, 02:00 PM-04:00 PM
Room 102
This class is designed for students that have taken one or more Classic Oil Painting Landscape classes with instructor, Lin Luciano Fiore. Utilize new and more advanced techniques to take your Impressionistic painting skills to a whole new level!
*Prerequisite (One or more Classic Oil Painting class taught by Lin Luciano Fiore)
*Please bring your previous class materials to the first day of class.
*Class price includes a new paint palette and canvas worth over $27.
*Class instruction pricing: $175 (Cost for Members $140) +$27 for materials.