Canton POS

Thinking with Animals (November 25, 2022- March 5, 2023)

Animals have been subjects in art and ceramics throughout history and across all cultures. These creatures have been used as symbols, archetypes, and to speak to the human relationship with nature. Animals provide a universally understood way to examine ideas that may be difficult to discuss or understand in any other form.
The ceramic artists in Thinking with Animals are a diverse representation of gender identity, culture, backgrounds, and career stages. Likewise, the range of building techniques demonstrated in the work on display includes slip casting, paper clay, solid building, hollow building, wheel throwing and mixed media.
CMA is excited to present over 50 ceramic artists in our galleries to share with our visitors this winter. The symbolism and metaphor reflected within the archetype of the animal is the unifying constant within the menagerie of our galleries.
List of Participating Artists:
Donald Guidoboni
Gustavo Martinez
Adelaide Paul
Image Previous Page: Unable to Know, 2020. Taylor Robenalt. Porcelain, dark stoneware, underglaze, glaze, and luster. 20 x 15 x 22 inches.
Above Image: Tug, 2021. Ariel Bowman. Ceramic, mixed media. 12 x 10.5 x 10.5 inches.