Canton POS

Plaster Animal Masks

Begins 10/06/2021, Ends 10/13/2021
Deadline to Register: 10-04-2021
2 Wednesdays, 05:30 PM-07:30 PM
Room 101
Now offering this two-day workshop in-person! Have you ever imagined you were an animal or wanted to create your own Halloween mask? Join instructor, Nyki Fetterman, as she leads you through the process of making a mask of your favorite animal inspired by our exhibit, "Soar, Roar, Explore: Animal Life from the CMA Collection." You wonÕt want to miss this hands-on workshop, exploring the exciting medium of plaster!
*Cost includes all supplies
*Students and instructors WILL be required to wear a mask even if fully vaccinated or under the age of 18, please maintain courteous social distance, and sanitize workstation after each use.