Canton POS
Canceled- Exploring Our World Workshop From Home
Begins 10/04/2020, Ends 10/04/2020
Deadline to Register: 09-27-2020
1 Sunday, 01:00 PM-02:30 PM
Now offering this NEW one time workshop online! This outdoor virtual workshop will send students on a scavenger hunt through their outside environment to find items they are drawn to all around them. Students will make a mixed-media collage using found objects and materials provided by CMA. Inspired by the exhibit "Approaching the Shift: Drawings by Judith Brandon", students will visit the exhibit virtually and discover how her art-making is inspired by natural phenomena and changing global weather-patterns. Rain or shine, lets get outside and explore together!
*Materials and tools provided for pickup 4 days prior to class. Tools are to be returned to the museum within one week after class.
*Cost includes all supplies, some items may be utilized from outside and around the house.
*Make sure to register before deadline to ensure materials are available.