Canton POS

Art For Health & Healing - Finding Mindfulness Through the Art of Motherhood Mandala

Begins 01/16/2020, Ends 01/16/2020
Deadline to Register: 01-14-2020
1 Thursday, 06:00 PM-08:00 PM
Room 103
Instructor: Amy Hope
In conjunction with the Art for Health & Healing Program, the Canton Museum of Art welcomes you to a special mindfulness art series that focuses on slowing down, relieving stress, and learning to use creativity to increase awareness of self and be present in the moment. Join our registered art therapist, Amy Hope, as she directs you through using an intuitive process to create a mandala on a circular canvas. Mandalas have been found throughout the centuries. They can be found in architecture and art forms all around the world. Use mixed media techniques, color, and shapes as a form of self-expression. Prior art experience is not necessary, but an open mind is always helpful!
*Cost includes all supplies