Canton POS

Classic Intermediate Oil Painting - Figure Painting II with Lin Luciano Fiore

Begins 04/03/2025, Ends 05/08/2025
Deadline to Register: 04-03-2025
5 Thursdays, 12:30 PM-02:30 PM
Instructor: Lin Luciano Fiore
This discounted class option is designed for students who have taken one or more Classic Oil Painting classes with instructor Lin Luciano Fiore. Advanced students are provided with additional water soluble paints and canvas. Students will master basic figure painting techniques using a clothed model, starting with a drawing unit on paper in class one. Subsequent classes will focus on painting the figure on canvas using Renaissance methods in a loose, Impressionistic style, utilizing advanced techniques to elevate and build upon intro level painting skills. Prerequisite (One or more Classic Oil Painting classes taught by Lin Luciano Fiore). Students are required to bring supplies from the previous class session to the first day of class.
Class instruction pricing: $175 (Cost for Members $140) +$39 for materials