Canton POS

Wild Animals Diorama

Designed for grades 1-4
Begins 05/08/2018, Ends 05/08/2018
Deadline to Register: 05-08-2018
1 , 04:00 PM-05:30 PM
Room 101B
Instructor: Amy Brown
Begins 05/08/2018, Ends 05/08/2018
1 Tuesday, 4:00pm-5:30pm
Room 101b
Instructor: Amy Brown
After taking a wild safari adventure through the museum's exhibition, African Menagerie-- The Inquisition, build your very own three-dimensional diorama where you can protect and feed your favorite wildlife animals.
*Cost includes all supplies
*Deadline to register: 05/06/2018
(Cost for Members: $12.00)