Stark County High School Art Exhibit Opens March 18!

* Spring 2025 School of Art Open Class Registration Begins Sunday, March 16 *


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Home / Classes / Op Art Illusions

Op Art Illusions

Designed for grades 5-8

Begins 05/21/2019, Ends 05/21/2019

Deadline to Register: 05-19-2019

1 Tuesday, 06:00 PM-07:30 PM

Room 101A

Instructor: Amy Brown

Learn to create abstract optical illusions with math, rulers and eye for engineering and design to create Op Art spheres. Inspired by the father of the 1960s Op Art movement - Victor Vasarely. Also, while your here tour the gallery exhibit, Organized Ambiguity: Recent Grids of David Kuntzman.
*Cost includes all supplies

(Cost for Members: $12.00)
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