Canton POS

Felted Fantasy Flowers
Begins 12/31/1969, Ends 12/31/1969
1 , 07:00 PM-07:00 PM
Offering this NEW one-time workshop in-person! Inspired by the fantasy and nature in the exhibit "Potion Park: The Kaleidoscopic Garden of Steve Ehret and Kat Francis." Bring your garden inside by learning to wet felt whimsical flowers. Harness your creativity to incorporate natures colors and make these felt sculptures limited only by your imagination. Learn the art of wet felting using wool, a resist, soap, and water to make a seamless no sew project in a day! All skill levels welcome.
*Cost includes all art supplies.
*$6 worth of materials included in class cost
*Please bring an old bath towel, hand towel, and plastic bag to take your artwork home in.
COVID UPDATE: At this time, CMA no longer requires students and instructors to wear a face mask inside the building. (Mask policies subject to change based on CDC guidelines)