Canton POS

Exhibition Opening Celebrations & Events

Friday, December 13, 2024
5 - 7PM
Download the Opening Print Invitation
Learn More About the Kokoon Klub Exhibition
Immerse yourself in the spirit of the Kokoon Klub in this opening celebration and Kokoon Klub Kostume Kontest! The evening will feature Kokoon-themed décor, music, and refreshments, plus cash bar as you enjoy this exhibition of Klub original artworks, posters, invitations, and original Bal-Masque costumes. Bohemian Chrysalis is a feast for the eyes, an enjoyment of all-things outrageuous and over-the-top from early 1900s, and a celebration of artists and artistic development not only in our region, but also across our country.
They were avant-garde and outrageous. Cleveland’s Kokoon Klub artists stood for originality, self-expression, and freedom of thought. Get inspired by their free spirits, the Roaring ‘20s, and beyond as you celebrate our featured exhibition and enter our Kostume Kontest. Keep it ARTSY AND FUN ... the more handmade and decorated, the better!!!
Kostume Judging @ 6:30PM in the galleries
Judging by CMA Curators and Special Guest Judge Patty Edmonson, Museum Advisory Council Curator of Costume and Textiles, Chisholm Halle Costume Wing — Cleveland History Center
Kostume Kontest has 2 categories: 18 and under & 18 and over
3 prize levels for each age group:
1st Place — Two Tickets to CMA’s 90th Anniversary Gala (Nov 2025) or free ADULT CLASS or CHILDREN’S CLASS in the CMA School of Art
2nd Place — A free CMA Gallery Circle Membership with free admission to CMAand participating reciprocal museums in Ohio and across the U.S., along with discounts in the CMA shop and on School of Art classes. (If you’re already a member, you can GIFT it to someone else!)
3rd Place — A CMA Family Membership plus an age-appropriate CMA Swag Bag
Kostume Rules: No nudity. No wet paint or liquids. No look-alike weapons (e.g., toy guns, knives, etc.). No costumes that may offend others due to race, culture, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.
Image Credit: 11th Bal Masque Poster (detail), 1924. Joseph Jicha (American: 1901-1960). Lithograph on paper. On loan from the Daniel Bush and Hilary Gent Collection.
Kokoon Klub Exhibition Speaker Series #1
The Kokoon Arts Klub, August Biehle, Jr., and the Becoming of a City
Canton Museum of Art
Cultural Center | Cable Hall
Speaker: Frederick Biehle
Kokoon Klub Exhibition Speaker Series #2
From Kokoon to Butterfly: The Amazing Saga of the Kokoon Club
Canton Museum of Art
Cultural Center Theatre
Speaker: Henry Adams
The Kokoon Club started off in 1911 as a place for artists working in downtown Cleveland to quietly draw from the nude model.
But it burst to widespread attention in 1913 when it staged an astonishing costume ball, which featured a nude dancer with butterfly
wings who jumped out of a coffin, and artists clothed in bizarre Cubist and Futurist costumes. Clevelanders were aghast but fascinated.
By the 1920s these Bal Masques were attracting a crowd of revelers numbering in the thousands.
The posters, decorations, and costumes created for these balls are today regarded as among the greatest achievements of American Art Deco. And over the years the Kokoon Club Ball transformed the culture of Cleveland as a city, from one which had spurned modern art, to one that celebrated it – to a place that supported art in shades of brown and gray to art one that embraced art in dazzling color. Today, a century after it was created, the art of the Kokoon Club still feels provocative – an invitation to throw aside tired old rules and conventions and embrace the spirit and excitement of modern life.
No Registration Necessary | Tour the Exhibition FREE Following the Program
About the Speaker: Henry Adams is the author of nearly 500 articles, exhibition catalogues, and books in the field of American art. The painter Andrew Wyeth described his book Eakins Revealed as “without doubt, the most extraordinary biography I have ever read on an artist.” He is currently Ruth Coulter Heede Professor of Art History at Case Western Reserve University.